How to Turn on Noise Cancelling on AirPods

How to Turn on Noise Cancelling on AirPods

Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to turn on noise cancelling on AirPods. In a world filled with distractions, achieving an immersive audio experience is essential. Apple’s AirPods come equipped with advanced noise cancellation technology, elevating your audio experience to new heights. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process to unleash the full potential of your AirPods.

Understanding Noise Cancelling

Before diving into the specifics, it’s crucial to understand the concept of noise cancellation. Noise canceling is a technology designed to reduce unwanted ambient sounds, allowing you to enjoy your music, podcasts, or calls without interference. AirPods utilize sophisticated algorithms and multiple microphones to analyze and counter external noise, providing a cocoon of pure audio bliss.

Step-by-Step Guide: Activating Noise Cancelling on AirPods

1. Ensure Firmware is Up-to-Date

Before delving into noise cancellation, ensure that your AirPods have the latest firmware. Apple frequently releases updates that enhance performance, including improvements to noise-cancelling algorithms.

2. Connect Your AirPods

Make sure your AirPods are connected to your Apple device. This can be an iPhone, iPad, or Mac. The seamless integration between Apple devices ensures a hassle-free experience.

3. Access Control Center (iOS)

For iOS users, accessing the Control Center is the key to toggling noise canceling. Swipe down from the top-right corner of your device screen and press and hold the volume slider. A new menu will appear, revealing the noise cancellation toggle.

4. Settings on macOS

If you are using AirPods with a Mac, open the System Preferences, click on “Sound,” and select your AirPods as the output device. Here, you will find the option to enable noise cancellation.

5. Voice Command (Siri)

For a hands-free experience, you can also activate noise cancelling using Siri. Simply say, “Hey Siri, turn on noise cancelling,” and let the magic happen.

6. Customize Noise Control Settings

AirPods allow you to customize the noise control settings based on your preferences. In the Bluetooth settings on your device, find your AirPods, tap “Noise Control,” and choose your preferred options.

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Advanced Tips for Optimal Noise Cancellation

1. Proper Fit is Key

Achieving optimal noise cancellation begins with a proper fit. Ensure your AirPods are snug in your ears to maximize the effectiveness of the technology.

2. Update iOS and macOS Regularly

Stay ahead of the curve by keeping your Apple devices updated. Software updates often include enhancements to noise cancellation performance.

3. Experiment with Transparency Mode

AirPods also feature a transparency mode, allowing you to hear your surroundings when needed. Experiment with this mode to strike the perfect balance between awareness and immersion.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with advanced technology, occasional issues may arise. Here are quick solutions to common problems:

1. Noisy Calls? Check Microphones

If calls sound noisy, ensure that the microphones are clean and free of debris. Gently clean them with a soft, lint-free cloth.

2. Interference? Check for Updates

Interference issues can often be resolved by updating your AirPods’ firmware and the software on your connected device.


Congratulations, you are now a master of activating noise cancelling on AirPods! By following these simple steps and utilizing advanced tips, you can create your sanctuary of sound. Whether you’re commuting, working, or simply relaxing, your AirPods are now optimized for an unparalleled audio experience.

FAQs about How to Turn on Noise Cancelling on AirPods

  1. Q: Can I activate noise cancelling on AirPods without using Siri or the Control Center?
    A: Yes, you can activate noise cancelling on AirPods without using Siri or the Control Center. Simply go to your device’s Bluetooth settings, find your AirPods, tap “Noise Control,” and customize your preferences.
  2. Q: Is it necessary to update the firmware on my AirPods for optimal noise cancellation?
    A: Yes, keeping your AirPods’ firmware up-to-date is crucial for optimal noise cancellation performance. Regular updates often include improvements to the noise-cancelling algorithms.
  3. Q: Can I simultaneously use noise cancelling and transparency mode on my AirPods?
    A: No, you cannot use noise cancelling and transparency modes simultaneously. However, you can customize the noise control settings in your device’s Bluetooth settings to easily switch between the two modes.
  4. Q: Why do my calls sound noisy even with noise cancelling activated?
    A: Noisy calls can be attributed to dirty or obstructed microphones. Ensure the microphones are clean by gently wiping them with a soft, lint-free cloth to enhance call quality.
  5. Q: Are there any troubleshooting steps for interference issues with AirPods’ noise cancelling?
    A: Yes, if you experience interference issues, make sure to update both your AirPods’ firmware and the software on your connected device. This often resolves common problems related to interference during usage.

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